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Library Operating Status - Updated 4/6/2021

The Library is excited to announce that Contactless-Curbside service, In Person Express Browsing, and Public Computer Use is now available on the schedule listed under TEMPORARY HOURS OF OPERATION.  


Our Library is happy to now offer Curbside Pickup, In Person Express Browsing, and Public Computer Use!

Beginning Tuesday April 6th, appointments will not be needed to enter the Library building! You can visit the library for a browsing session at any time during our open hours. Public computer use is first come, first served, and limited to one hour per patron per day. Patrons will still be required to fill out the Montville Township Health Department screening questionnaire before entering the building.

A mask that fully covers the nose and mouth is required at all times while visiting the Library, and Social Distancing of at least 6 feet must be maintained. Please call the Library at 973-402-0900 to book an appointment for Curbside Service. 

The Study Tables and Carrels are not available for patron use at this time. Returns must still be placed in the Book Drops ONLY. No returns will be accepted inside the library. All returns are quarantined for 7 days. Please allow 10 days for returned items to be cleared from your record. 


At this point, we are only able to fulfill holds requests that are placed electronically on the Library’s catalog, at: or by calling the Library at 973-402-0900.


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